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Course Enquiry

Australian Qualifications Framework

The table below demonstrates the relationship between all levels of qualifications available in Australia.

School Sector

VET sector (Vocational Education & Training)

University Sector






Masters Degree



Graduate Diploma



Graduate Certificate



Bachelor Degree


Advanced Diploma

Advanced Diploma





Certificate IV



Certificate III



Certificate II


School Certificate

Certificate I


Certificate I – can study this level while still at school; ie not yet employed in the relevant industry.

Certificate II – must be working in the relevant industry; considered introductory level.

Certificate III – ideal for team leaders where they are not only doing the tasks, but also coordinating them on behalf of teams.

Certificate IV – ideal for store managers; focuses on leadership skills for managers with a number of different responsibilities.

Diploma – ideal for business owners and managers who are looking for a deeper level of competence within all facets of running a business and leading a team of people.

NOTE: Target Training does not issue any written tests at any level qualification. Assessments are given in the form of on-the-job observation, Q & As, role plays, projects and other written tasks. Workplace relevant examples are encouraged so learning is directly assisting the learner in their job. The training and coaching is delivered and the learning journey continues throughout the course.